Unit 2 IDA Industrial Estate, Kilmallock Road, Charleville, Co Cork, Ireland, P56FC98
Business hours
Monday - Thursday
8am - 5pm
8am - 4pm
Did you know that one third of white water from dairy processes such as CIP contains milk residue? Do you want to recover this valuable commodity and turn it into white gold? If so then the APV Goldstream Reverse Osmosis system can help you achieve this goal. You can recover as much as 10,000 kg of milk for every 1,000,000 litres of white water, increasing the value of your daily milk intake by 1%. The remaining two thirds of your white water can be reused as CIP water or polished further to produce drinking water quality standard for use as process water thus reducing your environmental footprint. The APV Goldstream Reverse Osmosis system can also reduce your water treatment costs and has a payback period as low as one year.
Download the APV Goldstream RO System brochure here: APV Goldstream Brochure
Download the APV Goldstream RO System datasheet here: APV GoldStream Datasheet
More Information
For pricing on this product please call (063) 89891 or email
Unit 2 IDA Industrial Estate, Kilmallock Road, Charleville, Co Cork, Ireland, P56FC98
Business hours
Monday - Thursday
8am - 5pm
8am - 4pm